
Sponsor Spotlight: Liberty IT

Hi everyone! We are very pleased to publicly announce Liberty IT as one of our Silver sponsors.

We would like to sincerely thank Liberty IT for becoming one of our Silver sponsors because, without their support, this event would not be possible. As a sponsor of JSDayIE and one of the main members of the JavaScript community in Ireland, Liberty IT is contributing to the healthy growth of the JS community in Ireland.

Below you will find some imformation about the relationship between Liberty IT and JSDayIE.

What is Liberty IT and what do you do?

Liberty IT is a technology leader focused on delivering highly responsive, enterprise-scale solutions to support the needs of our parent company, Liberty Mutual Insurance.

We leverage cloud technologies, agile engineering and disciplined engineering practices to deliver high-value projects to improve ease of access and service quality to our partners and customers.

Operating from two sites in Belfast and Dublin, we employ 550 highly talented people.

How is Liberty IT connected to the JS Community in Ireland?

We have no specific connections at present, but are very hopeful this event might start something within the local JS community.

Why is Liberty IT excited for JSDayIE?

Liberty IT developers use JavaScript on a daily basis with services like Lambda for AWS which is written in Node.js for building insurance products for our customers worldwide. We are excited to attend this event and hear how people use JavaScript in their products and how they get these products into production. Being the first JavaScript conference in Dublin, we are really happy to be a part of this event.